
Table of contents


Note: Abbreviations for Byzantine materials are those used in the Dumbarton Oaks Style Guide; for classical and patristic Greek authors they are those used in LSJ (a list at the Suda online) or Lampe's Patristic Lexicon; for books of the bible they are those used by the Journal of Early Christian Studies, at JHUP.

1. Greek, Latin and Spanish Primary Sources

  1. Actes de Lavra, I, ed. G. Rouillard, P. Collomp, Paris, 1937
  2. Aesop, ed. B. E. Perry, Aesopica. A Series of Texts relating to Aesop or ascribed to him or closely connected with the literary tradition that bears his Name, collected and critically edited, in part translated from Oriental languages, with a commentary and historical essay, Vol. One: Greek and Latin Texts, Urbana, 1952
  3. Agapetos Diakonos, Der Fürstenspiegel für Kaiser Iustinianus, ed Rudolf Riedinger, Athens, 1995
  4. Amatus, Ystoire de li Normant, ed. O. Delarc, 1892, available at
  5. Anna KomneneAlexias. Übersetzt, eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen, Diether Roderich Reinsch, Cologne, 1996
  6. Anonymus Barensis monachus, Chronicon de rebus in Barensi provincia gestis, Nicolai Aloysia, in: L. A. MuratoriRerum Italicarum Scriptores V. Available at Hathi Trust Digital Library
  7. Anonymus Byzantinus, Treatise on Strategy, ed. and trans. G. Dennis in Three Byzantine military treatises, 9-135
    • Anonymus Byzantinus, De re militari, ed. H. Kochly and W. Rustow, in Griechische Kriegschriftsteller II 2, Leipzig, 1855, 43-196
  8. G. A. Anrich, Hagios Nikolaos I, Leipzig-Berlin, 1913
  9. 'Antonius Melissa', 'Loci Communes', 1865Patrologia Graeca 136, 765-1244. Available at Digital Library for International Research Archive, Item #2342
  10.  Ἀποφθέγματα καὶ γνῶμαι διαφόρων φιλοσόφων σὺν Ἀλεξάνδρῳ τῷ βασιλεῖ, ed. E. Papamichael, Die Apothegmensammlung im Codex K Mosquensis 436 (S. Synod. 298), Köln, 1981
  11. Arethas, Scripta Minora, ed. L. G. Westerink, Leipzig, 1968-1972
  12. Aristo of Ceos, ed. William W. FortenbaughStephen A. White, Rutgers, 2006
  13. Aristotle, L'Etica Nicomachea nella tradizione latina Medievale, ed. C. Marchesi, Messina,1904: available at Open
  14. Michael Attaleiates Historia ed and trans. Inmaculada Pérez Martín, Madrid, 2002
  15. Balbus, Caecilii Balbi De nugis philosophorum, ed. E. Woelfflin, Basel, 1855, available at Internet Archive
  16. Basil I, Bασιλείου κεφάλεια παραινετικά, ed. K. Emminger, Studien zu den griechischen Fürstenspiegeln, Munich, 1913 23-73. Available at Internet Archive
  17. Niceforo Basilace, Progymnasmi e monodie, ed. A. PignaniNaples, 1983
  18. Basilicorum libri LX, edd. H. J. Scheltema et N. van der Wal, Groningen 1953-88
  19. Bion of Borysthenes: A Collection of the Fragments with Introduction and Commentary, J. F. Kindstrand, Uppsala, 1976
  20. "Bocados de Oro": Kritische Ausgabe des altspanischen Textes, Romanistische Versuche und Vorarbeiten 37, ed. Mechthild Crombach, Bonn 1971
  21. Campaign organisation and tactics, ed. and trans. G. Dennis, Three Byzantine military treatises, 246-327
    • R. Vari, Incerti scriptoris, byzantini saeculi X, liber de re militari, ed., Leipzig, 1901. Available at Internet Archive
  22. Cecaumenus/Kekaumenos, B. Wassiliewsky/Vasilevskij and V. Jernstedt, Cecaumeni Strategicon et incerti scriptoris de officiis regii libellus, St Petersburg, 1896
  23. Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca, ed. A. Busse, Berlin, 1882-1902, available at Open Library 
  24. Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De administrando imperio, edd. Gyula Moravscik and R. Jenkins, Washington, 1967
    • De administrando imperio II: Commentary ed. R. JenkinsLondon, 1962
  25. Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Three treatises on imperial military expeditions, ed. J. Haldon, Vienna, 1990
  26. The Corpus Parisinum. A Critical Edition of the Greek Text with Commentary and English Translation. A Medieval Anthology of Greek Texts from the Pre-Socratics to the Church Fathers, 600 B.C.-700 A.D, ed. Denis Michael Searby2007
  27. Joannes Damascenus, Sacra Parallela, ed. Michel LequienPatrologia Graeca, Paris, 1860, PG 95.1040-1588, available at Internet Archive; 96.9-441, available at Hathi Trust Digital Library; for the SAWS presentation of the chapter headings, see Greek Florilegia: pinakes; for discussion cf. 
    • P. Odorico, 'La cultura della Sylloge: 1. Il cosidetto enciclopedismo Bizantino. 2. Le tavole del sapere di Giovanni Damasceno', BZ 83, 1990, 1-21
  28. Demetrius of Phalerum, Text, Translation and Discussion, William W. Fortenbaugh, E. Schütrumpf, Rutgers, 2000 
  29. G. Dennis, Three Byzantine military treatises, Washington, 1985
  30. H. Diels, W. Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (5th ed.), Berlin, 1934-1937
  31. Diogenes LaertiusVitae Philosophorum, 3 vols, ed. M. Marcovich, Stuttgart, 1999-2001
  32. Favorino di Arelate opere. Introduzione, Testo critico e commento, ed. A. Barigazzi1966 
  33. 'Das Florilegium Ἄριστον καὶ πρῶτον μάθημα', ed. H. Schenkl, WSt 21, 1889, 1-42. Available at Internet Archive
  34. Florilegium Leidense: Specimen academicum inaugurale, quo continentur γνῶμαι κατ ἐκλογὴν ἐκ τῶν Δημοκρίτου Ἐπικούρου καὶ ἑτέρων φιλοσόφων καὶ ποιητῶν καὶ ῥητόρων, Laurentius Rynhardus Beynen1837 
  35. 'Florilegium Monacense': Arsenii Violetum ed. Christian Walz, Stuttgart, 1832, available at Internet Archive
  36. 'Florilegium Monacense', ed. August MeinekeIoannis Stobaei Florilegium 4, Leipzig, 1857, 267-290; available at Internet Archive 
  37. 'Florilegium Marcianum litterarum ordine dispositum', ed. P. Odorico, Il prato e l'ape, Vienna, 1986, 65-118
  38. Joannes Georgides, Sententiae, ed. P. Odorico, Il prato e l'ape, Vienna, 1986, 119-255
  39. Michael Glycas, Εἰς τὰς ἀπορίας τῆς Θείας Γραφῆς, ed. E. Eustratiades 1, Athens, 1906
  40. Michael Glycas, Εἰς τὰς ἀπορίας τῆς Θείας Γραφῆς, ed. E. Eustratiades 2, Alexandria, 1912
  41. Michael Glycas, Μιχαὴλ Γλυκᾶ στίχοι, οὓς ἔγραψε καθ’ ὃν κατεσχέθη καιρόν, ed. E. T. Tsolakes, Ἐπιστημονικὴ Ἐπετηρὶς Φιλοσοφικῆς Σχολῆς Παράρτημα 3. Thessalonica: University of Thessalonica, 1959
  42. Gnomica Basileensia, ed. J. F. Kindstrand, Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia 2, Uppsala, 1991
  43. Gnomologium Byzantinum ἐκ τῶν Δημοκρίτου Ἰσοκράτους Ἐπικτήτου e variis codicum exemplis restitutum, (DIE) ed. K. Wachsmuth, Studien zu den griechischen Florilegien, Berlin, 1882, reprinted Osnabruck, 1971. 167-207
  44. 'Gnomologium Parisinum Ineditum. Appendix Vaticana ', Rozprawy Akademii Umiejetności Wydział Filologiczny. Serya II. Tom. V ed. Leo Sternbach1893; available at Poznan
  45. Gnomologium Vaticanum ed. Leo Sternbach, 1887, republished with introduction by O. Luschnat in Texte und Kommentare 2, Berlin, 1963
  46. Guillaume de Pouille, Gesta Roberti, M. Matthieu ed., 1961
  47. HermogenesProgymnasmata, ed. L. Spengel, 1853-1856, in C. Walz, Rhetores Graeci 2. Available at Open Library.
  48. Historia imperatorum, ed. F. Iadevaia, Messina, 2000
  49. George Lapithes, 'Carmen Morale', Patrologia Graeca 149, 1009-46. Available at Hathi Trust Digital Library
  50. Leo Marsicanus, 'Chronicon Monasterii Casinensis', MGH XXXIV, ed. H. Hoffmann, Hannover, 1980. Available at MGH; Patrologia Latina version available at Documenta Catholica Omnia
  51. Leo VI, Tactica, ed. G. T. Dennis, The Taktika of Leo VI. Text, Translation and Commentary, CFHB 49, Washington, 2010
  52. Leontius of Neapolis'Das Leben des heiligen Narren Symeon von Leontios von Neapolis', ed. Lennart Rydén, Studia Graeca Upsaliensia 4, Uppsala, Almquist and Wiksell, 1963
  53. The Libro de los Buenos Proverbios: A critical edition, Harlan Sturm, Lexington, The University Press of Kentucky, 1970
  54. Lupus Protospatarius Barensis, 'Rerum in Regno Neapolitano Gestarum Breve Chronicon ab Anno Sal. 860 vsque ad 1102', MGH V, ed. Pertz, Hannover, 1844, available at MGH, and at the Latin Library
  55. Lyco of Troas and Hieronymus of Rhodes. Text, Translation, and Discussion, William W. Fortenbaugh, Stephen A. White, Rutgers, 2004 
  56. Constantine Manasses, Breviarium chronicum, ed. Odysseus Lampsidis, Athens, 1996
  57. MauriceDas Strategikon des Maurikios, ed. G. Dennis with a German translation, Vienna, 1981; translation by G. Dennis, Maurice's Strategikon, Philadelphia, 1984
  58. 'Maximus Confessor', Ps.- Maximus Confessor. Erste kritische Edition einer Redaktion des sacro-profanen Florilegiums Loci communes, ed. Sibylle Ihm, Palingenesia LXXIII, Stuttgart, 2001; for the SAWS presentation of the chapter headings, see Greek Florilegia: pinakes
    • É. Sargologos, Florilège sacro - profane / du Pseudo Maxime; introduction, texte critique, notes et tables, Syros, 2001.
  59. Melissa Augustana. Un traité de vie spirituelle et morale du XIe siècle: le florilège sacro-profane du manuscrit 6 de Patmos: Introduction, texte critique, notes et tables, ed. É. Sargologos, Thessalonica, 1990; for the SAWS presentation of the chapter headings, see Greek Florilegia: pinakes
  60. Menander, Menandri Sententiae, ed. S. Jäkel, Leipzig, 1964
  61. Friedrich Wilhelm August Mullach, Fragmenta Philosophorum Graecorum 3. Platonicos et Peripateticos Continens, Paris, 1883; available at Internet Archive 
  62. Nikephoros Ouranos, Tactica: chapters 56-65, ed. and trans. E. McGeer, Sowing the Dragon’s teeth, 79-164
    • Tactica: chapters 63-74 edited by J.-A. de Foucault, 'Douze chapitres inédits de la Tactique de Nicéphore Ouranos', TM 5, 1973, 281-312
  63. Nikephoros Phokas, De velitatione, ed. G. Dagron, Le traité sur la guérilla de l’empereur Nicéphore Phocas, Paris, 1986
  64. Nikephoros Phokas, Praecepta militaria, ed. and trans. E. McGeer, Sowing the Dragon’s teeth, 12-60
    • previous ed. A. Kulakovskij, Mem. Acad.Imp.Sci., St.Petersburg, VIII s., Phil.-hist.Cl., VIII.9, 1908.
  65.  'Nonnus', ed. J. N. Smith, Pseudo-Nonniani IV orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni commentarii Turnhout, Corp. Christ. Graeca 27, 1992
  66. Photius, Epistulae et Amphilochia, edd. B. Laourdas and L. G. Westerink, I, Leipzig, 1983
  67. Photii Patriarchae Opusculum Paraeneticum. Appendix Gnomica. Excerpta Parisina, ed. Leo Sternbach1893; available at Poznan
  68. Presbyter Diocletanus, Letopis Popa Dukljanina, ed. F. Sisic, Belgrade, 1928
  69. Proclus, The Elements of Theology, ed. E. R. Dodds, Oxford, 1933
  70. Proclus, Procli Diadochi Lychii Institutio Physica, ed. A. Ritzenfeld, Leipzig, 1912
  71. Michael Psellos, Chronographie, ed. É. Renauld, Paris, 1926-28. Chronographia; English translation by E. R. A. Sewter, London, 1953, available at Medieval Sourcebook
  72. Michael Psellos, Orationes forenses et acta, ed G. Dennis, Stuttgart, 1994
  73. Michael Psellos, 'De meteorologicis', ed. J. DuffyPhilosophica Minora, I, Leipzig, 1992, 19
  74. Pythagoras, 'Carmen aureum', in Douglas Young ed., Theognis, Leipzig, 1961, 86-94.
  75. G. A. Rhalles, M. Potles, Syntagma ton theion kai hieron kanonon, 6 vols., Athens, 1852–59, reprinted 1966; available at Internet Archive
  76. Russian Primary Chronicle, trans. S. Cross and O. Sherbowitz-Wetzor, Cambridge, Mass., 1953
  77. K. N. Sathas, Mesaionike Bibliotheke, 7 vols., Athens-Venice-Paris, 1872–94; rp. Hildesheim, 1972
  78. Symeon Seth, 'Conspectus Rerum Naturalium', ed. A. Delatte, Anecdota Atheniensia II, Liège/Paris, 1939, 1-127: avialable at Internet Archive
  79. Symeon Seth, Stephanites et Ichnelates, ed. L.-O. Sjöberg, Uppsala, 1962, Studia Graeca Upsaliensia, 2
  80. Ioannes Skylitzes, Synopsis Historion, ed. H. Thurn, 1973, CFHB, Berlin
  81. 'Skylitzes Continuatus' ed. E. Th. Tsolakes, He synecheia tes Chronographias tou Ioannou Skylitse, Thessalonike, 1968
  82. Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, English translation by S. Laing, 1844, available at ONMACL
  83. Socratis et Socraticorum reliquiae, 4 vols, ed. G. Giannantoni1990
  84. Sophronius, 'Vita Mariae Aegyptiacae', Patrologia Graeca 87.3.3697-3726
  85. Spaneas: G. S. Anagnostopoulos, Ο Σπανεας· κτριτική εκδοση με βαση ολα τα σωζομενα χειρογραφα, Athens, 2010; see also
    • Spaneas: Vorlage, Quellen, Versionen, Georg Danezis, München, 1987
  86. Sylloge Tacticorum quae olim "Inedita Leonis Tactica" dicebatur, ed. A. Dain, Paris, 1938
  87. Syntipas, Michael Andreopoulos: Liber Syntipae, ed. V. Jernstedt et P. Nikitin, Mémoires de l'Académie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, Cl. hist.-philol., XI, St. Petersburg, 1912 
    • E. Maltese, trans., Il Libro di Sindbad : novelle persiane medievali, Turin, 1993;
    • F. Conca, Novelle Bizantine: il libro di Syntipas, text and translation, Milan, 2004
  88. Syntipas, 'Fabulae Syntipae', ed. A. Hausrath and H. Hunger, Corpus Fabularum Aesopicarum I, 2 Leipzig, 1959
  89. Theophanes, Chronographia, ed C. de Boor, Leipzig, 1883-5
    • The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor: Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813 translated by C. Mango and R. Scott, Oxford, 1997
  90. Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia I-IV, ed. I. BekkerCSHB, Bonn, 1838, available at Internet Archive.
  91. Vita Alexandri regis Macedonum, ed. J. Trumpf, Stuttgart, 1974
    • E. Papamichael, Der Alexanderroman nach dem Codex K Mosquensis 436 (S. Synod. 298), Köln, 1981
  92. Vita Basilii, ed. I. Ševčenko, CFHB, Berlin, 2011
  93. 'Die Wiener Apophthegmen-Sammlung', ed. K. WachsmuthFestschrift zur Begrüssung der in Karsruhe vom 27.-30. September 1882 Tagenden XXXVI. Philologen-Versamlung1882
  94. Ioannis Zonaras, Epitome Historiarum libri XIII-XVIII, T. Büttner-Wobst, CSHB 49, Leipzig, 1897
  95. Manuscript Catalogues:

  96. Angelo Maria Bandini, Catalogus Codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Laurentianae, Florence, 1770
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  105. Gulielmus D. Macray, Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae. Pars Nona. Codices a Viro Clarissimo Kenelm Digby, Eq. Aur., Anno 1634 Donatos, Complectens, Oxford, 1883
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  107. Henri Omont, Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits du Supplément Grec de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, 1883
  108. Petrus Schreiner, Codices Vaticani Graeci. Codices 867-932,  Vatican City, 1988

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