
We hosted a series of conferences/workshops, to discuss our project with interested groups; participants came from locations indicated in green on the map of SAWs contacts.

16-17 February 2011, Vienna: workshop on handling citations (participants from Basel, Göttingen, The Hague, Leipzig, London, Metz, Paris, Trier, Uppsala. Vienna)

7-8 June 2012 Uppsala (organised with Ars Edendi and MOPAI): workshop on Apophthegmata (participants from Bologna, Emory, Halle, London, Lund, Paris, Redlands Ca., Stockholm, Uppsala, Vienna)

23-4 September 2012, Göttingen (organised with the Göttingen Academy): workshop on the uses of SAWS methodology (participants from Beirut, Göttingen, Halle, London, Lund, Vienna, Worms)

26-28 September 2012, Vienna: workshop on Greek/Arabic materials: convened by Elvira Wakelnig, with participants from Ankara,Berlin, Halle,  Bochum, Cologne, Erlangen, London, Munich, Paris, Tübingen, Warwick, Zürich

16-18 February 2013, Worcester, Mass.: workshop on canonical reference systems (participants from Boston, London, Furman SC)

21 February 2013: working meeting with CASG (Halle)

22 March 2013: working meeting with CASG (Halle)

30 April 2013, London: workshop on metaphrastic texts: convened by Dr Martin Hinterberger, with participants from Copenhagen, London, Nicosia, Oxford, Valladolid, Vienna.

28 May 2013, London: workshop on the constitution of fragmentary texts: convened by Dr Alexandra Trachsel, Marie Curie Fellow, with participants from Lausanne, Leiden, London, Nottingham, Rome

3-4 June 2013, London: workshop on medical compilations: convened by Dr Dionysios Stathakopoulos, with participants from London, Manchester, Naples, Paris, Salt Lake City, Vienna, Washington D.C.

13-14 June 2013, Lund (organised with MOPAI): workshop on the uses of SAWS methodology