The ontology
The SAWS ontology is our vocabulary for describing the types of relationships present between or within our texts. The ontology relationships themselves can be used to annotate manuscripts with these links.
Technically, the SAWS ontology reuses and extends the FRBRoo model of bibliographic and cultural heritage information using the Erlangen OWL implementations.
The SAWS ontology, fully revised version 2.1, is available as an OWL file at
OWL files are intended to be 'machine-readable' - for 'human-readable' documentation see:
- Alternative view of the SAWS ontology, using the Ontology Browser from the University of Manchester
- This browsable documentation generated by OWLDoc
- A list of the vocabulary in the current version 2.1 of the SAWS ontology.
- A diagram of all the items being represented in the SAWS ontology (i.e. the things you can link to/from using the SAWS ontology), also shown in the diagram below (click on the picture to expand it).
You can also read more information about the SAWS ontology and the Semantic Web in the How to Do SAWS part of this website.
Versioned links to the current ontology and archive versions